
Ice Lollies – Pattern and Motif

Last year I decided to give Inkscape a go if you don’t know what Inkscape is it’s an open-source vector program, and I had a blast playing about with it, If I’m honest I find Inkscape a more fun to use program than Illustrator.

This lolly pattern was one of the first patterns I made using it, and the first thing I uploaded to Shutterstock. At the time I only uploaded the raster version as I hadn’t yet figured out how to get my vector file ready for upload, but later on when I knew more what I was doing I updated it.

Orange, Lemon and Chocolate Lollies

The best source I found for learning this program is Nick Saporito, his YouTube channel Logos by Nick was a real eye opener for me and helped me to visualise how basic shapes could become complex ones. He also does Gimp tutorials so if you like open source software he’s worth checking out.

Shutterstock | Adobe Stock | 123rf

I also did a motif version for Redbubble because it fitted some products better than the repeat pattern.

Redbubble | Pattern | Motif

Ice Lolly Seamless Pattern by Calislahn