
Minty Fresh

This set of patterns was inspired more by its colour palette than it’s designs, I have a board on Pinterest where I save swatches that I like and I had saved this palette from Design Seeds, I just really loved the combination and wanted to make something using it. I tweaked a couple of the colours a fraction but it is mostly the same.

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Spoonflower Fabric Collection

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I began with the wavy lines pattern, each line was hand drawn using my wacom tablet, then painstakingly aligned so it would be seamless.

The Terrazzo was also hand drawn but this time with good old fashioned pencil and paper, I cut a square of printer paper and filled it with shapes which I then scanned and traced in Illustrator, while I could have also drawn them with my tablet I found this method just looked far more random and natural.


Circles | Stripes | Stars | Terrazzo | Squares | Wavy LinesCollection


Circles | Stripes | Stars | Terrazzo | Squares | Wavy LinesCollection


Circles | Stripes | Stars | Terrazzo | Squares | Wavy Lines

Minty Fresh Seamless Patterns by Calislahn
Minty Fresh Seamless Circles Pattern by Calislahn
Minty Fresh Seamless Squares Pattern by Calislahn
Minty Fresh Seamless Wavy Lines Pattern by Calislahn
Minty Fresh Seamless Terrazzo Pattern by Calislahn
Minty Fresh Seamless Stripes Pattern by Calislahn
Minty Fresh Seamless Star Pattern by Calislahn

Post updated November 2022 to add direct links to available print-on-demand products.