
Flowers, Mandalas & Circles

A mixture of patterns this time, three tiny floral patterns, four mandala style flower patterns, and two circle based patterns.

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Small Abstract Flowers

I had an urge to try some more single element patterns and started with the middle pink flower, I liked it so much I decided to make a couple more at the same scale.

They remind me of the small floral patterns ladies had on their dresses in the BBC adaptation of Pride and Prejudice, I haven’t read the novel but I love that series and have watched it a few times now.

Peach | Pink | Purple

Peach | Pink | Purple

Peach | Pink | Purple

Mandala Flowers

I am really enjoying playing about with my mandala templates lately, there are so many possibilities with them and I like the symmetry you can get for floral shapes.

Still mainly sticking with the single element idea here.

Blue | Green | Pink | Purple

Blue | Green | Pink | Purple

Blue | Green | Pink | Purple

Dashed Circles & Polka Dot Diamonds

For these last two patterns I decided to go through some of my unfinished work.

The circle pattern I had made a long time ago but at the time I had a colour scheme in mind that I just couldn’t get to work for me, but coming back to it months later I tried some green swatches I had saved and really liked it, pattern finished at last!

The polka dots were a random doodle I had done in a file with some other elements, wasn’t too keen on the rest of it but they stuck out to me so I made them their own pattern.

I have always loved polka dots so they crop up a fair bit in my patterns.

These patterns represent a bit of a milestone for me as I have now surpassed my goal of creating one hundred patterns. Now for the next hundred!


Post updated November 2022 to add direct links to available print-on-demand products.