
Orange Floral Pattern

Lately, I have been revisiting some patterns I made and put aside, this is one I made after I created my pink florals collection of patterns.

It uses some of the same flower elements but a different palette and layout. For me, it feels more spring-like.

At the time I wanted to make some other patterns to go with it but I failed to create anything I liked so put it aside, then when I was going through my folders recently I decided why not just leave it as a stand-alone pattern.

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Orange Flowers Pattern by Calislahn

Shutterstock | Adobe | 123rf

I’m slowly trying to get myself back into creating regularly again after a bit of a hiatus due to Christmas then having a problem with my right eye that has required drops daily, at the moment they are once a day instead of three times so I can see a bit clearer now, they really did make everything blurry and just as it wore off I had to redo them.

But with luck, they will tell me I can stop them when I go for my checkup next week. As this issue is related to operations I had as a very small child on both eyes I just have to hope the left one behaves itself now and doesn’t decide it’s going to join in, especially as I’m just starting to feel my motivation return.