
Love, Hearts and Roses

Although as I write this Christmas is fast approaching this month I spent my time making Valentine’s themed patterns.

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The original inspiration came from a photograph of some yellow roses I took a couple of years ago, I had tried once before to make a pattern using them by bringing the photo into Illustrator and using the blob brush to trace them.

But I was way too precise tracing every tiny curl in a petal which resulted in a large complicated file that lagged my computer and my attempts to fix that made it even worse, what I really needed was a bit more experience in what I was trying to attempt.

So two years later with more knowledge I tried again and instead of tracing every tiny detail I just used the photo as a rough guide, keeping it simple.

For the Love text I first wrote it out by hand on a piece of paper as a guide, took a photo with my iPad then brought that into Illustrator for iPad so I could trace over it.

At this point I only had the one pattern in mind, large pink roses surrounded by hearts and the word love, but once I started I just kept going and by the time I was done I had created eleven different patterns from one small idea to try the roses again. Sometimes I find inspiration snowballs once I get started, it’s the getting started that is often the difficult part.

Post updated November 2022 to add direct links to available print-on-demand products.