Inktober 2019 – Final 10 Days

So Inktober is finally over for another year, I started it with enthusiasm, and finished it with a sigh of relief.

As often happens things end up taking longer than expected and this turned into a proper time sink, in the middle I was doing them in stages throughout the day so parts could dry but by the end, I’d whipped out the hairdryer so I could finish it in one sitting.

Then there were the days when I struggled, sometimes just with getting my head into it, other times with physical issues, like the day I drew the Wild Parsnip, I had the cramp in my hand the whole time so did the most basic thing I could, yet the next day I did my favourite of the week, the Voodoo Lily.

Between this and other things going on I’ve not done as much pattern creation as I would have liked, and I had planned on updating my Society 6 store this month as well, but chose to put that on hold as they have updates to the artist studio incoming, hopefully they will fix some of the niggling issues I had with uploading there.