

I have been feeling very uninspired lately but then Pantone announced the 2023 colour of the year, Viva Magenta, and when I saw it I thought that would be a lovely Valentine’s Day colour.

Shop These Designs

Spoonflower Valentine’s Patterns Collection

The links below will take you to all available products for each colour option at my stores.

I let that thought percolate for a few days and found myself returning to this one idea of hearts dangling on strings, so I tried to make a pattern representing the image I had in my mind. After filling the spaces in between with small hearts I thought those would also make a cute pattern on their own.

Small Steps Over Big Goals

When 2022 began I did something I have never really done before and that was to set yearly and quarterly goals for myself, so many times I have heard others say how helpful it is to set goals or to reward yourself for achieving them.

Unfortunately, life had other plans and even though I adjusted my goals part way through the year I still never achieved them, to be honest, all it did was add pressure on top of what was already a very difficult year, feeling like I was failing to keep up with my plans.

I also found I am very much not a carrot and stick person, promising myself rewards for doing something has no effect whatsoever, I was going to do it anyway and usually never bothered rewarding myself for finishing it.

I suppose it was worth trying and any other year it may have worked to have goals to aim for but this year I think I will take each day as it comes.

So rather than looking at the long road ahead, I shall stick to taking one step at a time, then at the end of 2023, I can look back at how far I have come instead of looking forward and seeing how far I didn’t go.