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Floral Patterns

A small collection of different floral vectors I made in January when I was just trying to get back into creating things again.

Vector Designs

Redbubble & Spoonflower

Some alternative colours for the following designs are available at my stores.

Spoonflower Collection

The ditsy multicoloured floral pattern was made on my Huion tablet inside the pattern making tool in Illustrator, basically drawing flowers as I went along, filling in gaps until the tile was done. I have made patterns similar to this before but never in this way, it was a fun experiment.

The red and yellow floral patterns were made in Illustrator on the iPad, I had cancelled my subscription for a while last year as I found I wasn’t using it much but decided to start it up again for the time being, I really enjoy the taper options on the blob brush as it makes creating petals and leaves so quick and easy.

The yellow flowers started out orange but I just wasn’t sure about it so I played about with different colour palettes and upon making it yellow it reminded me of a Narcissus flower so I kept it.

The final set of patterns was just a fun one, more of a simple doodle really but I liked the bright colourful retro vibe of it and then decided to take my pointy flower centres and the tiny polka dots and make those into their own patterns.